Cable Reel - Welding

Cable Reel - WeldingCable Reel - Welding
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Cable Reel - Welding
Manufactured by Hannay Reels
Product Group Data
Part No.Recommended CableDiameterHeightWidth
#2 through 4/0 cable to 400 amps26 1/22/ 1/410 3/4
Heavy-duty power or manual rewind reels designed for use with single conductor electrode cable or for grounding cable. Handles from 45 ft. up to 85 ft. of 3/2 to #2 cable.
1 conductor 400 amps16 1/21/8 3/413
Portable, manual, rewind reels with carrying handle and rubber pads. Reel is designed for single-conductor operation with electrode cable.

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