Kanaflex - 300 EPDM

Kanaflex - 300 EPDM
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Kanaflex - 300 EPDM
Manufactured by Kanaflex
Product Group Data
Applications: Heavy duty liquid suction hose for use in construction dewatering, liquid waste, cesspool cleaning, septic handling, agricultural applications and marine use.
Construction: EPDM rubber, polyethylene helix, smooth bore, corrugated O.D. Lightweight and flexible. External helix provides for easy drag. Resistant to agricultural chemicals
Part No.Inside DiameterOutside DiameterBend RadiusWorking PressureVacuum
11 11/321.95029.8
1 1/41 21/323.25029.8
1 1/21 27/323.25029.8
22 7/165.25029.8
2 1/235.65029.8
33 33/647.14329.8
44 39/64113829.8
66 13/16202328

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