Kanaflex - 180 AR

Kanaflex - 180 AR
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Kanaflex - 180 AR
Manufactured by Kanaflex
Product Group Data
Applications: Heavy duty abrasion resistant suction hose for vacuum trucks or handling abrasives such as crushed rock, sand, pea gravel, cement powder, dry fertilizer, iron ore and grains.
Construction: SBR rubber blended with static carbon black, rigid PVC helix, smooth bore, corrugated O.D.
Note: This hose was not designed for bulk handling such as unloading of rail cars.
Part No.Inside DiameterOutside DiameterBend RadiusWorking PressureVacuum
1 1/41 37/6424529.8
1 1/21 53/6424529.8
22 23/642.54029.8
2 1/22 61/642.53529.8
33 1/233529.8
3 1/24 47/6443029.8
44 5/84.53029.8
55 49/6453028
66 47/649.23028
77 53/64143027
89 3/64153027
1011 3/16302825
1213 5/16402525

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