Plastic Pumps for Light Chemical Liquids

Plastic Pumps for Light Chemical LiquidsPlastic Pumps for Light Chemical LiquidsPlastic Pumps for Light Chemical Liquids
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Plastic Pumps for Light Chemical Liquids
Product Group Data
Part No.Features
Polypropylene pump w/o hose.
Construced of polypropylene and nickel plated steel
Can be used with weak acids, anti-freeze, some mild chemicals and detergents
Dispenses approximately 8-oz. per stroke
Polypropylene pump w/o hose
Construced of polypropylene and nickel plated steel
Can be used with mild thinners and solvents
Dispenses approximately 8-oz. per stroke
Nylon pump w/o hose
Construced of nylon and stainless steel
Can be used with some stronger chemicals and solvents, such as lacquer thinner
Also suitable for edible products such as cooking oils
Dispenses approximately 8-oz. per stroke

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